Tuesday 5 April 2011


UK Health Care Professionals love Dr Browns Natural Flow Feeding Bottles. That’s why 9 out of 10 directly recommend the brand to parents*. Now smartly repackaged, the range comprises bottles, teats trainer cups, cleaning products and accessories.  There’s a more comprehensive explanation as to how the bottle works, health tips and details regarding the research behind the brand, making the feeding system a whole lot clearer for parents.  And as well as sharp new packaging, the unique two-piece vent system inside the bottle is blue, making it much more visibly prominent.


Widely recognised by both parents and HCPs as an effective way of minimising problems that arise from feeding, Dr Brown’s Natural Flow lets babies  feed much more comfortably as many of the sources of discomfort such as bubbles in the feed and vacuum build up within the bottle are immediately eliminated. This helps in turn to reduce any colic symptoms, burping, wind, fluid in the ear and even teat collapse.


Historically the brand has been perceived as a ‘problem – solution’ bottle, but now HCPs believe it should be used for all bottle-fed babies, not just for those who have developed colic. This way parents can avoid any feeding issues from arising in the first place and it may also eliminate the need to further invest in other different bottle brands, medicinal relief or specialist formulas for their babies. 

Dr Brown’s goal is to provide the best technology-driven products available whether a baby is fed on expressed breast milk or infant formula. The bottles are robust and substantial; the wide grip makes them really easy to hold – essential at feeding time.  They are simple to assemble; each bottle comes with a small brush, ideal for cleaning the smaller components. All parts are safe to use in the dishwasher.  To find out more and to buy on line visit www.drbrowns.co.uk *www.thecolicreport.com Face book: Dr Browns UK

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